About Lixin

About Lixin

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Company introduction

Since its establishment in 2000, Lixin Pharmaceutical has adhered to the goal of leading the market for globally standardized apis and important intermediates, adhered to relying on scientific and technological innovation to drive the company, adhered to the production concept of environmental protection and safety, and took the road of sustainable development。 Gradually formed the anti-tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, antiviral and digestive system and other fields of API product system, has become a high-quality supplier of many pharmaceutical companies in the world, and has established long-term cooperative relations with many famous pharmaceutical companies at home and abroad to achieve win-win cooperation。

Enterprise strategy

Shandong Lixin

Development course

Shandong Lixin Passed GMP on-site review
Shandong Lixin has been fully completed and put into operation, and the regulatory registration of several products has been launched at the same time

Shandong Lixin was rated as:

National Development and Reform Commission strategic emerging industry key project, Shandong Province old and new momentum transformation key project

Shandong Lixin Pharmaceutical was established
Passed EMA and EDQM on-site inspection for the first time
FDA review

Industry honor

The company adheres to the global standardized drug market, adheres to the drive of scientific and technological innovation, adheres to the concept of ecological civilization of safety and environmental protection, and adheres to the road of green and sustainable development。It has gradually formed a high-end characteristic API product system in many fields such as anti-tumor, anti-virus, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems and digestive systems, and has become a R&D and manufacturing enterprise with distinctive characteristics, reasonable layout, good reputation and specialized in new and special ingredients, and is a high-quality supplier and strategic partner of many pharmaceutical companies around the world。It has obtained many official certifications and honors such as Jiangsu High-tech Enterprise, Jiangsu Private science and Technology Enterprise, Jiangsu Taihu Basin strategic emerging industry (project) enterprise, Jiangsu Province "specialized new and special fine" enterprise, Suzhou intellectual property intensive enterprise, Suzhou intellectual property intensive enterprise, etc。
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